Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Advanced Features of NCrypted’s YouTube Clone

Every people find best business full time or part time side business to generate extra income for satisfying their own and family needs or saving money for future requirements. In world many people choose job as their future career settlement where some of choose business to settle their career. Business is more preferable then Job by most of people around the world, because business provides more possibility of success. No one knows where their business becomes most popular and huge brand at international level and once its possible business need to face continuous struggle because only some of business has monopoly in these competitive world. Job provides limited criteria to earn money and it is only useful to satisfy basic needs of own and others.

If you are also finding good business which helps to become your dreams true then NCrypted has best option for you. NCrypted helps to understand value of technology through online business, because NCrypted have a huge variety of Website Clones with wide categories list for customized website design. If you are planning to start easy and good online which give you more rate of return on your investment then NCrypted suggest to launch own tailor made YouTube Clone or get to start very quick business it provides readymade Video Sharing Script with customization facility to create own video sharing platform.

Here is listed Front End Side Features of NCrypted’s YouTube Clone:-

* Advanced settings

It includes setting of comments and response, license and rights ownership, caption certification, distribution options, video location, recording date.

# Create Videos

It include many options such as,

* Webcam capture

From here user able to record and upload videos of webcam captured.

* Photo Slideshow

In this option use able to create photo slideshow with the different sub menus filling such as select photos, upload photos, add audio, add featured tracks, upload audio, advanced editor, slide duration, slide effects, transition effect and upload option to upload created photo slideshow.

* Add more videos (common)

From here user get facility to add unlimited videos and broadcast it and if user need to make editing in video then user also get video editor.

# My Channels

From here user can able to check their subscribed channels list.

# Channel Settings

It includes following menus to make setting for different Channel.

* Appearance

From here user can able to create customized profile and dashboard with options help of Background, Choose File, Choose Color.

* Info. And Settings

From here user able to set add their information and set their personal setting with the filling out different options such as Profile, Description, Tags, Channel URL.

* In Video Programming

From here user able to make necessary changes in video and make get facility to make customized video with the setting different options such as feature your channel, your channel avatar, upload, position, display time.

* Uploads

From here user able uploads video and able to create feed with the setting of create a new post option. Through comment option user is able to add comment in any video. On Video page user check list of video which is publicly posted around the world by different users.

# Video Player Features

From here user get different options in video player such as Playlist in thumbnails, play or pause, volume increase or decrease, set time duration of video, turn on or off captions, change quality (which includes HD 1080P, HD 720P, HD 480P, Standard), watch later, large player, full screen mode, video information, related videos panel list, subscribe option to regular get videos from selected channel, like or dislike video, about this video to check review, share (Through Video URL, Embed Code, Email ID, other accounts etc..), add to playlist, check statics of video, report the video to give negative review, click on comment to check top and all comment and from here user also able to add their own review as comment and vote up & vote down other user’s comment.

Request a quote today to NCrypted for any popular website Clone or get readymade website clone Script for your easy business start-up. NCrypted provides you everything at affordable rates and also provides after sales support because it believe in 100% customer satisfaction through issuing quality work.

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